
If you are looking for a guided introduction to who Jesus is, or wanting to give a gift to an unbeliever who needs to meet Jesus, this new book may be just the thing: Rich: The Reality of Encountering Jesus, by Peter Dickson with David Gibson. The link will take you to some sample material to peruse.

Here are a couple of the commendations:

“This is one of the best books of its kind that I have seen. It brings the familiar chapters of Luke’s Gospel into the arena of the Twenty First Century, and makes the Christian faith real and relevant. One of the chapters is entitled “The Real Jesus”. We encounter him throughout this book. I predict a wide use for it.”
—Eric Alexander, Conference speaker and formerly minister St George’s Tron, Glasgow for 20 years.

“Not a safe book. Peter Dickson is a bit sneaky (the book is so engagingly written) and yet terribly stubborn (he refuses to offer you a bland, smooth, mass-market, shrink-wrapped Jesus). So reading it may make you savingly angry or fearfully grateful—either of which will be okay. I find so refreshing this combination of contemporary clarity and old, rugged gospel.”
—Dale Ralph Davis, author and Bible expositor
