
This looks like a great set of books for teaching kids the basics of church history and historical theology.

According to the description by the publisher (Christian Focus), “History Lives” is “a series intended to cover the history of the Christian church through its people and key events. Written primarily for 9-14 year olds with a modern, relaxed and enthusiastic style. Many adults also enjoy these as a good read. This is history without the wooliness—and with all the wonder.”

You can get the whole set (see above), or browse the individual volumes below, with samples.

  1. Peril and Peace: Chronicles of the Ancient Church [sample PDF]
  2. Monks and Mystics: Chronicles of the Medieval Church [sample PDF]
  3. Courage and Conviction: Chronicles of the Reformation Church [sample PDF]
  4. Hearts and Hands: Chronicles of the Awakening Church [sample PDF]
  5. Rescue and Redeem: Chronicles of the Modern Church, AD 1860— [sample PDF]