
Why We Need to Give Creative and Competent Thought to Addressing Global Poverty

A good word here from Matt Perman, writing from Africa, where he is traveling:

Many attempts to help alleviate poverty (whether in Africa, the US, or elsewhere in the world) have often been based on an inaccurate understanding of economics. As a result, they have often failed to have a last impact, and sometimes have hurt more than they have helped.

Consequently, I would argue that one of the most important things we can do if we are going to make an effective contribution to the solutions for global poverty is gain a correct understanding of economics. There is more that we need to do, of course, but gaining a right understanding of economics is critical for knowing how to direct our efforts rightly. A right understanding of economics, I would argue, is part of considering the needs of the poor (Psalm 41:1).

Read the whole thing, along with some recommended reading to get up to speed on a basic framework for sound economic thinking.
