
Doug O’Donnell—described by Kent Hughes as “among the handful of truly excellent young preachers in this country”—is the author of a new and unique book: God’s Lyrics: Rediscovering Worship Through Old Testament Songs (P&R).

The first part of the book contains five sermons preached by O’Donnell on the five great songs of the Old Testament:

  1. The Song of Moses: Te Deum of Triumph (PDF)
  2. The Song of Yahweh: An Exodus from Israel’s Apostasy
  3. The Song of Deborah: A Punctured Temple, a Pouring Out of Joy
  4. The Songs in Samuel: The Barren Woman and the Fertile King
  5. The Song of Habakkuk: A Time to Wait—for Wrath

The second part of the book applies the key themes found within these songs: (1) magnifying the Lord; (2) recalling salvation history, (3) rejoicing in God’s just judgments; (4) exhorting us to godliness.

Then in the third part O’Donnell provides original song lyrics (to older tunes) for each of the great Old Testament songs. He writes, ” It is time that those who are trained theologically, gifted poetically, and literature musically (and this should include a number of pastor-theologians out there) write songs based on God’s Word, even and especially the songs of Moses, Deborah, Hannah, David, and Habakkuk” (pp. 177-178). The book provides sheet music for the four-part harmonies, and you can listen to MP3 recordings of the songs below:
