
If you’re a preacher who wants to grow in his knowledge of preaching from the poetry and wisdom genres, it’s well worth considering this Workshop of Biblical Exposition put on by Simeon Trust. Here’s a description:

The extraordinary beauty of poetry can be hard to grasp and even harder to preach. And yet, nearly every book of the Old Testament includes Hebrew poetry, especially the wisdom books. This Workshop on Biblical Exposition is designed to give you the tools to preach from these genres and to discover the connections between the poetic word and the Living Word, between Solomon’s wisdom and Jesus as Divine Wisdom.

Presents are David Jackman, Josh Moody, and Doug O’Donnell. It’s being held May 5-7, 2010, at College Church in Wheaton, IL.

See here for more info, as well as this video by David Helm on the value of the workshops.
