
STLAt Reformation21 Iain D. Campbell has a very helpful review/overview of the massive new Festschrift for John Frame, entitled Speaking the Truth in Love.

Frame has influenced my thinking more than any other living theologian, and I am a grateful fan of his writing and teaching. I was privileged to co-author a chapter with James Grant in this volume, exploring Frame’s relationship with evangelicalism.

You can read some sample pages from the book at the WTS Books site. Numerous essays explore his ethics, doctrine of God, multiperspectivalism, approaches to worship, epistemology, apologetics, etc.

Here are a couple of commendations of Frame printed in the book:

“There are few, past or present whom I would place . . . ahead of Professor Frame . . .  Frame’s is a spectacular achievement, from which the entire church on earth, in its own authentic transcultural life of obedience and doxology, stands and need to benefit. . . . The range and breadth of the knowledge and wisdom of John Frame are indeed remarkable. May the legacy that he is leaving to the evangelical cause and the church at large soon come to be appreciated as its true and abiding worth.”
—J. I. Packer

“If Frame writes it, I read it, not because I always find myself in perfect agreement, but because he teaches me.”
—D. A. Carson

“As a scholar, [Frame] exemplifies sanctified erudition in engaging other positions with a charitable criticism; as a saint, he personifies a compelling model of how to do theology with creative fidelity while remaining boldly yet humbly honest to God.”

—Kevin J. Vanhoozer
