
John Piper’s short biographical-theological sketch of John Calvin is now available. It’s entitled John Calvin and His Passion for the Majesty of God.

Here’s an excerpt from Gerald Bray’s foreword:

Today the world has changed in many ways, but at bottom it remains the same as ever. The hearts of people, including many church people, are cold and led astray by an array of false gods. Material prosperity has dulled the spirits of many, and our civilization is drowning in intellectual trivia and moral turpitude, while at the same time it convinces itself that it is the highest form of life yet achieved by the human race. In this world, Calvin’s voice needs to be heard again. God will not be mocked, and in the end we shall discover that he is our Sovereign Lord. What will he say to you on the day of judgment? Calvin had no doubts about this—he knew that he would be welcomed into the joy of his Lord as a good and faithful servant. John Piper has brought that message to life for a new generation, and I hope and pray that this study of the great reformer will stir the hearts of all who read it to seek God’s face again, and turn to him and live.
