
Preston Jones reviews Christopher Hitchens’s God Is Not Great in Books & Culture.

It’s true that readers would expect a review of a book titled God Is Not Great, published in a place like this, to be unfriendly. But if Hitchens had anything new and persuasive to tell us, I would say so. Alas, as the preceding paragraph suggests, we are dealing with a very intelligent and well-read author who, when it comes to “religion,” is simply incapable of reason. Hitchens admires Socrates’ claim to be certain only of his own ignorance. The reader wishes that Hitchens would exchange admiration for emulation. The effect of his not doing so is the feeling that one is rather in the presence of an exceedingly angry sophist, and that is sad.

Doug Wilson’s ongoing chapter-by-chapter response can be read here.
CT’s Ted Olsen also hints that Wilson and Hitchens will have an online exchange, but the post is rather cryptic. I’ll post more information if it becomes available.
