
Richard Gaffin–known for writing books thin in size but thick in content–has a new book out, entitled By Faith and Not by Sight: Paul and the Order of Salvation (Paternoster). It’s available through the Westminster Seminary bookstore (as well as Amazon.com).

Here is some info pulled from the WTS site:

Publisher’s Description:
How, according to the teachings of Paul, does the individual receive salvation?

That is the focal question behind this book. Against some recent scholars Gaffin argues that it is both a meaningful and an appropriate question to ask. So what does the application of salvation to sinners involve for Paul? Does he distinguish between salvation accomplished (historia salutis) and salvation applied (ordo salutis) and, if so, how, and how important is the latter for him? And what exactly is the place of justification in his theology? Gaffin argues that:

“The central soteriological reality is union with the exalted Christ by Spirit-created faith. That is the nub, the essence, of the way or order of salvation for Paul. The center of Paul’s soteriology…is neither justification by faith nor sanctification, neither the imputation of Christ’s righteousness nor the renewing work of the Spirit. To draw that conclusion, however, is not to ‘de-center’ justification (or sanctification), as if justification is somehow less important for Paul than the Reformation claims. Justification is supremely important, it is absolutely crucial in Paul’s ‘gospel of salvation’ (cf. Eph. 1:13). Deny or distort his teaching on justification and that gospel ceases to be gospel; there is no longer saving ‘good news’ for sinners. But no matter how close justification is to the heart of Paul’s gospel, in our salvation, as he sees it, there is an antecedent consideration, a reality, that is deeper, more fundamental, more decisive, more crucial: Christ and our union with him, the crucified and resurrected, the exalted, Christ. Union with Christ by faith—that is the essence of Paul’s ordo salutis.”

Table of Contents

  1. The Order of Salvation and the Theology of Paul The Study of Paul Today Paul as Theologian–Some Foundations Biblical Theology The Problem of Interpreting Paul Paul as theologian Biblical theology and systematic theology
  2. The Order of Salvation and the “Center” of Paul’s Theology The “Center” of Paul’s Theology 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 Sin Union with Christ Union and justification The role of faith The Center of Paul’s Theology and the Order of Salvation Justification in the order of salvation
  3. The Order of Salvation and Eschatology – I Eschatology and Anthropology Eschatology and Sanctification Union with Christ and the resurrection Indicative and imperative Historical and theological reflections
  4. The Order of Salvation and Eschatology – II Eschatology and Justification Initial Considerations The perspective of the Westminster Standards Justification as future Faith and obedience Paul and James Justification and the present

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