
There is a Sermon in Their Outstretched Arms & Cries for “Daddy”

When you are a little kid you are very aware of your parent’s presence. As a Dad I see this when my two little toddlers sense me tiptoeing out of the room and then proceed to chase me down. At this stage in their lives they have weighed the cost of me doing a load of laundry or fetching something out of the basement against them being alone. And they have sided with the latter in every case. They are aware of and cherish their parents’ nearness.

There are many ways to apply Jesus’ teaching that we must become like a child in order to enter the kingdom (Mt. 18.1-6). The picture of a child fully trusting in and enjoying their parents with admirable simplicity comes to mind. Along with this a child’s awareness and cherishing their parent’s closeness and care. More to my point, another implication of becoming like a child is being aware of and cherishing God’s nearness to us.

I was reminded of this again early this morning. Today, like every Thursday in January and February of this year, another one of our pastors and I get together very early in the morning to evaluate a particular aspect of our ministry. We were grading out the ministry in terms of our overall mission and vision. It is an extremely helpful while also humbling time. It takes work. It also takes help. We need God to guide, instruct, provide wisdom, and lead us toward increased faithfulness.

In the middle of the meeting I got a text from a friend who is a pastor at another church in the city. He wanted to encourage me by telling me that he was praying for me and the leaders at Emmaus. Now here’s the thing: he had no clue that we were meeting. There are no signs of any problems at the church that should compel him to pray. In other words, there were no natural promptings for him to pray for us. But he did. Why?

Well check out what he sent:

Hi Erik, The Spirit brought you to mind last night during our prayer gathering. Prayed for you and your leadership team last night and again this morning.

There is the answer. The Holy Spirit did it.

I walk around like such an adult but I too often catch myself drooling on my spiritual bib. God is reminding me here that he is a very big God who is intricately and intimately involved in the lives of everyone. He is ordering all events, is sovereign over emotions, thoughts, and deeds. He is working in and through his people, even my brother here, to accomplish his will.

Part of this is doubtless to remind me that God is near. I should be aware of and cherish this truth! It probably wouldn’t hurt for me to exegete my children’s outstretched arms and pleadings for me to remain close. I might find myself expanding my practical theology and increasing my love for Jesus.
