
A Day in the Life of a Broken World (in the Apple Store)

The other day I was in the Apple Store and overheard the sales pitch that most of us have heard concerning the hardware. “Macs run great. They never break. I’ve had mine for like 23 years.” We all nod in amazement because we have been led to believe that while the machines are not manufactured in heaven they are just short of glorified.

But have you noticed what happens right after you say you are going to buy the computer? The salesman immediately starts angling for the Apple Care. In other words, he starts to sell you the warranty. It turns out that these things are not perfect. They do break. And the couple of hundred frog-skins is actually a good investment.

Isn’t this the reality of this broken world? Don’t you live in light of this tension all of the time? You are always hearing products overhyped and then you see them break. We should expect it. The world is broken.

As it turns out, technology (and science) cannot save. They can improve our lives but they cannot save them. Even Apple has its flaws.

This is tremendously important to remember as a Christian. We must remind ourselves amid the arms race for technological salvation that it is not equipped to meet ultimate needs and provide ultimate happiness. This reality is achieved by God entering into our world to bring deliverance to us from this world. God is not committed solely to improving our lives but to redeeming them. As his creation he is committed to rescuing and restoring his people.

The next time you are offered a warranty remember how broken this world is and how gloriously different and powerful Christ is.
