
A Gust of Good News

This morning in my Bible reading I came to a familiar and foriegn passage.

It was familiar because I know it. I can quote it. It is foriegn because it is so alien to this world and its system.

I am talking about these words from Jesus:

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

Jesus here extends himself to all people. He invites and entreats people to come to him.

But specifically, he invites a certain type of people. He invites hungry and hurting people. That is, those who need labor and need rest.

This hits every person. All people have served and pursued things which cannot satisfy. These created things, when elevated to a level of worship, will only disappoint and discourage us. They cannot meet the need. As a result, like dogs running around a racetrack, whenever we ‘catch the rabbit’ and get what we want, we only want more. This is because we were made for so much more.

The insatiable desire of humanity is intended to find its satisfaction in Christ. It is truly only Christ that can fill and satisfy the hungry and hurting soul.

In this context Jesus is talking to people who have been taking beatings at the hands of religious systems. You may recall that in chapter 12 of Matthew he begins to talk about the Sabbath and what it is intended to mean. Jesus provides that true rest as he brings contentment in himself.

Many have made promises to make people whole and happy, but it is only Christ who could ever offer such things with any sort of integrity.

He heals the broken and satisfies the hungry. This is truly a heavenly draft to bless our souls!

Father, you have given so much, such indescribable riches in Christ. Yet I still find myself groveling at the feet of counterfeit gods. They are cruel masters who cannot satisfy only hurt and afflict. Unfasten me from them. Make me to be one who finds Jesus increasingly glorious! May you, in the power of the Holy Spirit, give me eyes to better see and savor Christ. May his glory truly eclipse all that I see, feel, and desire. In fact, may he be that ultimate soul-satisfying, heart-healing treasure. May all things be subordinated to and in the service of Christ.
