
Review- The Pastor as Scholar and The Scholar as Pastor

When I think about contemporary evangelical leaders and their impact on the church I can scarcely think of two more prominent figures than D.A. Carson and John Piper. Both have a multi-generational, expanding swath of reach. They seem to be getting better and stronger with age.

For me personally, I can sometimes hear these men over my shoulder banging the drum of the beauty and supremacy of Jesus and his gospel. I love that about them.

This is why it is always interesting to hear them talk. In this occassion they are talking about the roles of pastor and scholar. In particular the way the pastor should be a scholar and the scholar a pastor. The book here puts in print an evening with Carson and Piper following the 2009 Gospel Coalition Conference in Chicago. I was in attendence that night and listened carefully as Drs Piper and Carson talked about their respective paths in ministry. It was encouraging, refreshing and interesting.

It is interesting because of the similarities in their paths. Piper started in the academic world and went to the pastorate. Carson started in the pastorate and went to the academic world. They did this at about the same time. Their stories are quite amazing.

It was refreshing in that the men spoke as believers who were still so wide-eyed about the glory and greatness of God. They talked about God’s faithfulness, his word’s power, the gospel’s beauty, Christ’s glory, the faithfulness and power of the Holy Spirit. In this volume you continue to read of Piper’s great passion for the suprmacy of Christ in all things, and the pastor’s responsibility to trumpet this to his people. Carson also relates his unceasing burden for the local church, and in particular the scholar’s need to make that his priority to not only dispense knowledge but pass it on.

It was interesting because these guys are interesting. They so rarely talk about themselves. To read them giving their story is a privileged peek into their lives and ministries.

I picked up the book because I wanted to revisit and be reminded of these things. I am not a scholar so my challenge is to inject my pastoral ministry with the scholarly hue without bleaching it. Piper and Carson help me greatly.

The terms pastor and scholar are often used in contrast to one another. This book helps us to see the need for both together. Therefore, it is helpful as it is instructive.

This could be a very helpful resource to a young seminary student who is wide-eyed and not to sure about what is coming. These guys speak from years of experience and passion. It would also be an encouragement to a pastor who is working hard but feeling like he’s not gaining traction. The book shows how the faithfulness in the study, over the long haul bears fruit, by God’s grace. I could see this being a helpful volume to give to a pastor whom you may want to motivate a bit. It would also encourage them to read some of Carson and Piper’s work. This can’t hurt either.

Good stuff, all the way around.

The Pastor as Scholar and The Scholar as Pastor is available at WestminsterAmazon (Kindle Store also).

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