
Gospel Sirens.

Living here in the Midwest we have some unique experiences. One of which are the seasonal sirens that interrupt our days.  These sirens alert of us bad weather, most often tornadoes. When the shrilling sirens go off we know that there is an emergency. Severe weather is afoot.

The exception to this is if the siren goes off on the first Saturday of the month or another specified testing time. Then we know that there is nothing of substance along with it. We know that county officials are drilling, they are testing their equipment and communication. We can quietly ignore it and go about our business.

However, if that alarm goes off on Tuesday afternoon at 3pm then it has our undivided attention. We grab our phones and check the weather as we look outside and assess what is happening.

The announcement of the gospel, the death of Christ is never just a drill or a rehearsal. It’s never just a formality without any corresponding emergency. The fact of the matter is, we are sinners. Every single minute of the day we are sinners. We sin in what we do and what we fail to do. We sin in what we think and what we fail to think.

Therefore, the announcement of the gospel is a siren to call us back again to the cross for safety and refuge. It beckons us unto Christ. It is a fresh opportunity to take cover in him.

We need the sin-conquering, wrath-removing, death-destroying, guilt-removing, shame-bearing death of Jesus every minute of every day. The gospel sirens are always blaring, calling us to seek refuge and safety in Jesus.

Too often we live in the posture of a drill that doesn’t effect us. The reality is, we are always in need. Therefore, as Christians we should be the ones sounding the sirens each day as we preach the wonderful sufficiency of Jesus to our own hearts. The personal need brings about the personal preaching. This in turn, brings about personal repentance, faith, and joy.
