
The Cross Provides Calibration and Motivation for Obedience

(Mar 8.34) And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.

The cross of Christ is central to our understanding of the person of Christ. It is at the heart of who Christ is. Furthermore, it is at the heart of what it means to follow Jesus. The cross is central to our identity as Christians.

Therefore, it is just as important for us to daily swallow the uncomfortable and unfashionable tonic of Jesus’ message as it was on the first day we followed him. This message of self-denial, cross-bearing, and Jesus following serves to forge and reinforce our identity in him. It also serves to confront timidity, shallowness, legalism, worldliness and pride (among other things). In short, the cross provides calibration and motivation for obedience.

Self-denial puts our relationship to the King and his kingdom in perspective. We have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of God’s beloved Son (Col. 1.13).

The cross reminds us of perspective. It is all about shame. But, our acceptance of this fact produces courage and contentment in the midst of adversity and weakness. It settles the issue of being ashamed of him. Especially when we consider that it is the means by which God deals with our sins justly and mercifully.

Following Jesus is our life’s priority. It must be as much of a priority in the subsequent steps of the Christian life as it is in the first steps. Our whole life is to be baptized in this command for cross-bearing, self-denying, discipleship.

And, lest we forget, he is the only one worthy to give your life for, to safeguard your soul, and to protect you in the coming judgment. No wonder saints have denied themselves, taken up their cross and followed him. May we do the same.
