
Faithful and Glorious

This past weekend was the 10th anniversary of my conversion. It is hard to believe that it has been that long. As I sit and praise God for this I am struck with the almost blinding preciousness of Christ.

As I scan the last decade in my life I see some days of faithfulness and other days that are not as faithful. However, when I look at the work of God through the Lord Jesus Christ during the same time I see him to be unwaveringly faithful. He has been faithful to keep me, to intercede for me, to love me, to encourage me, comfort me, to rebuke me, to convict me, to discipline me, to afflict me, to protect me, to teach me, to grow me, to preserve me, to help me, to guide me, and the list could go on and on. I am amazed. God has not, even for one moment, ceased to be faithful to himself and to me his child in Christ.

Furthermore, I consider my glorious Savior, Jesus Christ. He has not faded in his beauty, glory and majesty. He is just as glorious today as he was that very minute that God first opened my eyes to behold the glory of God in the face of Christ. We live in a world that is obsessed with achieving, preserving, and recovering beauty; the gyms, spas, and plastic surgeons attest to this. However, Jesus is just glorious; he does not fade and has no need to improve, he is just Jesus, the wonderfully glorious one.

So I marvel at this unflinchingly faithful and infinitely glorious God. I marvel that he has sent his Son to be submerged in the sewer of this sin stained world only to be charged with the guilt of all of my despicable high handed rebellion against God himself (Rom. 5.8). I marvel that God has united me with him in his death and resurrection (Col. 2.13-15) and that I am eagerly waiting for his return (Heb. 9.28; Phil. 3.20).

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever (Heb. 13.8), he is alone worthy of my highest praise and delight. God has indeed been faithful and shown himself glorious in my conversion. And I pray that he continues to amaze me with his wondrous beauty.
