
A Blog Update

Over the last year and a half the dynamics of this blog have changed a bit. It originally had a relatively small audience of mostly Omaha Bible Church readers and some friends from around the web. I would regularly get loose with a rant or two per week while also balancing it out with regular devotional stuff. As the readership has grown substantially I have begun to feel more of a sense of responsibility and stewardship for the site. I have always enjoyed interacting with theological truth, examining personal application and trying to stir my heart and yours with cross-saturated devotion; however, when ministry and personal responsibilities increase writing new stuff often takes a back seat.

As a result, I have decided to provide more book reviews to point readers to good resources and attempted to be more intentional with scheduling blog posts. I have also asked some of the guys that do ministry with me to provide reviews on some specific books. This is great because it gets other guys reading, writing, and directing others to good materials. The guys (Fudge, Tyler, Brian, Matt, & Justin) are frequent readers & commenters who are hungry young reformed guys who love Jesus. Feel free to interact with the reviews they post.

I have been greatly encouraged in the way that God has used the discipline of writing and interacting with truth to grow me personally. Furthermore, the many friends that I have met via comments and emails from around the world have also been an encouragement. So I am more committed to a balanced, faithful, and realistic approach to this stewardship by working hard to keep up the site with quality posts that aid us in becoming more impressed with Jesus Christ.

Thanks for the encouragement you bring as you read this site.

